Clinical Rotations

Incoming Students

healthcare professionalsEnloe Health is excited to help train the next generation of nurses and respiratory therapists. Welcome to our incoming students.

We look forward to helping you become a knowledgeable caregiver.

To complete the onboarding process for students, schools will need to:

  1. Download and fill out our Computer System Access & ID Badge form.
  2. Fill out and submit our online onboarding form.
  3. Ensure the onboarding form includes the Computer System Access form mentioned above.

This will ensure your students have access to Enloe Health’s applications during their clinical rotation.

Forms are due at least one week before student orientation. California State University, Chico, and Butte College students will typically have orientation in late January.

Incoming Faculty

Welcome faculty members for the upcoming clinical rotations. Thank you for helping prepare the caregivers of tomorrow.

To prepare for your experience, please:

  1. Download and fill out Enloe Health’s Code of Conduct.
  2. Download and fill out Enloe Health’s Confidentiality Agreement.
  3. Fill out and submit our online onboarding form.
  4. Ensure the onboarding form includes Enloe Health’s Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Agreement.
  5. Attend the Annual Faculty Meeting, which usually takes place in August.

Please note that these forms are due at least one week before the start of clinical rotations.